Try it with your employees, clients and more to see if it's right for you. Upgrade at any time to access more of the features.
US $0
/month for 20 members
- Unlimited responses
- 100 outbound messages
- 20 members
- 1 admin user
- Delivered via Slack, Email
A place for teams to ask the big questions, collaborate with more integrations. No setup costs, no lock-in contracts.
US $99
/month for 300 members
- Everything in Free, plus:
- 2,000 outbound messages
- 300 members
- 3 admin users
- Team management
- WhatsApp, Slack, Email
- Add-on SMS and Teams
- Remove Signals branding
Perfect for companies to ask big teams bigger questions, more integrations, tools and advanced control.
/month for unlimited members
- Everything in Pro, plus:
- Multiple surveys
- Unlimited members
- Unlimited admin users
- Teams, SMS, WhatsApp
- Team administration
- Embed surveys anywhere
- Domain verification
- Audit logs
Some of the worlds biggest brands are already understanding their staff and customers in real-time.
How does pricing work?
Signals is based on a simple pricing structure that scales with your business. It is US$2 per member, per month. There’s no setup fees, no admin costs, and no charges for changing the surveys you have running. Simple!
If you have 40 employees receiving a survey each week, the cost will be 0.50c per week.
Is there a free version?
Kind of, we are opening up a free version that will allow you to run a surveys to a handful of Members across Slack and Email, no credit card required. From there you can easily jump into a paid version with all the bells and whistles listed above.
Do you offer discounts?
Signals has been developed with a uniform, low per user cost in mind. We do not offer discounts for volume. However, there are incentives available to partners who refer new clients into Signals. To find out more, contact us.
Is there a yearly billing option?
We're working on a yearly scaleable option, it's been a common request, and high on our list. Yearly billing will include a % discount compared to monthly billing, get in touch if you'd like to be in the loop when we roll it out.
Is there a discount for start-ups?
Signals has been developed with a uniform, low per user cost in mind. We do not offer discounts for start-ups as part of sign up, but please get in touch to discuss options, we are always open to start-ups budgetary concerns, we hear you. To find out more, contact us.
Do you offer educational discounts?
We have an educational plan with a low member limit, it is offered at no cost for educators with a .edu email address.
Simply register using your educational institution's email address, get in touch and we'll reply with a discount, most schools email domains qualify for this benefit, some extending beyond the typical .edu domains.
For additional details and answers to common questions get in touch.
How can I pay for Signals?
With most major credit cards, we will issue an invoice at the end of each calendar month with an itemised total of members and usage. Any questions please contact us.
Is there a Signals Server for an on-site version?
Signals runs best when in a cloud environment, we currently do not have plans to offer Signals as an internally hosted version.
How secure is Signals data?
Protecting your organisations, and member data is a high priority at Signals. We have many programatic safeguards in place as part of all user flows, and regularly make sure we hit industry standards. Backups are made daily to prevent data loss and aid in recovery.
Which countries do you support?
Signals is running in Australia, U.S.A., Canada and the United Kingdom. We're adding new countries with almost every release. If your country isn't currently supported, signup to our newsletter or contact us to be notified.
Can you help if I get stuck?
You bet. You can always reach our support team via email: Response time is generally 24 hours or under. Additionally, you can read through our documentation.
Does upgrading my plan apply to all our organisations?
Each organisation is billed individually, you’ll need to upgrade each one as needed.